Orchidaceae Newsletter

"Your best online source of orchids plus November 9, 2006

Hi Friends:

The time is getting close to the releasing of "Mastering Orchids - Your guide to growing orchids"

This e-book is over 70 pages with more than 50 pictures or illustrations. It covers: The Essentials for Orchid Growing
There is a section on the anatomy of an orchid
Flowering table
Common Traits
An extensive section devoted to diseases
Q and A's
and more...

This book is a complete guide to growing orchids

And once it is released to be published you will get a very substantial discount plus more

Learn more on our Blog:
Orchids Plus More BLOG

Yes, our blog is up and going strong. There are posts to it about 3-4 times a week for you to read. It is a great way to keep informed what is happening.

You do need a RSS reader. Here is the one I use and it's free. http://www.usablelabs.com/productBlogExpress.html

Once you get this loaded here is our blog address: http://www.orchids-plus-more.com/orchid-plants-blog.html

If you haven't tried blogging give it a whirl.

Have a great month and a great Thanksgiving. Be sure to use your seat belts, drive safely

More coming soon


------Remember Free Shipping----------------

Just a reminder that we offer free second day FedEx delivery for you on any orchid plant you choose.

This month newsletter includes:
..Our Monthly Specials
..Our Monthly Tip - What to expect in the Fall

..And special beautiful orchid pictures

Thanks again,


Specials of the Month - for October 2006

Cattleyas are now in bloom. They are one of the easier orchids to grow and when they are in bloom the fragrance from them is great.

We have 2 cattleyas that are on special.

Blc Blue Datsun
The color of this orchid reminds me of my dad's blue Datsun. Opps, I'm dating myself. This cattleya will keep it's blooms for 3 months or more. It is a great orchid for gift giving or to pamper yourself.

Laelia anceps
This orchid is an "easy grower". It is stick mounted which give it a nice aura about it. For those of you in cooler climates it can with stand temps down into the thirties. Very colorful with 4 inch flowers

Blc Port of Pardise
Talk about a true yellow cat. This is it. The fragrance is superb and it will keep on blooming year after year.

Tip of the Month

Orchids Fall Season What To Look For

The cool season is now upon us, one I call orchids Fall season. This is the time when the daylight is limited and the sun gets a little lower in the horizon. There are changes that you will start to see with your orchids.

In general, because of the decrease in daylight you will need to water less frequently and also decrease the use of fertilizer. This is the time of the year that orchids reduce their metablolism for the most part.

For the Phalaenopsis orchids that are in your home or garden enjoy the weather change and they mostly enjoy the variation in temperatures. In order to stimulate blooming again the variation in temp is needed.

Also, to get them ready for blooming you need to get a fertilizer with more phosphorous in it. This is the so-called "blossom booster". Start this one during the next several month and then well into the blooming period.

Another little hint, especially if you have a number of orchids coming indoors. Use a cooper based compound to spray on the orchids to prevent "rot" from starting. This is the season where disease and pest love to devour orchids.

Cymbidiums are the group of orchids for the Fall season that you will find blooming. They generally have a mild fragrance and can have large flowers. The cymbidium season lasts up to seven months. There are miniature cyms as well.

Since some of them are large flowers and with many on a spike you will need to stake the orchid plants straight up so they will show the best. Now that they are flowering one should consider getting back to a balnced fertilizer.

This is also the season for Paphs to show their brilliance. They enjoy the cooler climates and do much better in them. As they are beginning to flower use a fertilizer with high phosphorous, ie, blossom booster. This will bring out their best coloring for the orchids growth.

Paphs don't like to dry out but it is time to not over-water. Cut back a little on the watering so the plant will avoid root rot. This is prevelent at this time of the year for these wonderful orchids.

On these orchids there is a sheath that has formed around the bud or spike. This sheath is protective and most likely is turning brown. If it doesn't fall off by itself it should gently removed to allow the bud to open properly.

Be watchful for water accumulating around these as it can lead to rotting of the sheath and damage to the orchid this fall.


Get ready to have the best looking orchids on the block.

You will once you have "Mastering Orchids"

It's coming soon.

Picture of the Month

Copyright © 2006
Orchids Plus More.com and LEB Enterprise
The articles in this newsletter may be copied but must include our Web site name