joanie Help With Pruning My Orchid

I am "very" new to orchids. any other plant, I do well with. I am a visual person. when it says to cut the stem at the node-what, huh? a plant has a node? help me with the pruning of my orchid. thank you

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Jun 29, 2011
Nodes ? And Pruning Orchids.
by: Melissa

Hi Joanie, Thanks for your question!

Welcome to the wonderful world of orchids! If you do well with other plants I think you will have a wonderful time learning about orchids. They are fascinating and rewarding.

You say you are a visual person and I get that. So much of orchids can be a visual experience.

The node is the little bump on the flower stem of some orchids like Phalaenopsis where a flower was attached. There is a picture on the page http://www, that might help.

As far as help with pruning of your orchid, tell me what kind it is and I can make some specific recommendations. It is different for different kinds of orchids.

If it is a Phalaenopsis then read the page on Phalaenopsis on my site. http://www, Another good page is the Frequently Asked Questions page

Both of these pages have a lot of good free information.

Good luck!


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